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A probability based energy competent cluster based secured ch selection routing EC2SR protocol for smart dust - 2021

A probability based energy competent cluster based secured ch selection routing EC2SR protocol for smart dust

Research Area:  Wireless Sensor Networks


Smart Dust consists of several wireless mobile smart dust nodes which animatedly broadcast information amongst themselves without dependence of basestation. Smart Dust is more susceptible to diverse types of attacks and protect network because of its uniqueness of mobility in air and energetic in the environment. Interruption means any irregular action that challenge to compromise reliability, privacy and accessibility of resources. A novel, dynamic energy efficient cluster based secure routing identifies these challenges while discovering exact routing and identifying malicious in smart dust node. Design is structured as a dynamic hierarchy in which information is broadcasted among source to destination without any loss. To increase communication, more effectively dynamic hierarchy is reconfigured by inclusion of clustering techniques. Cluster heads are selected based on residual energy and change in topology. Proposed protocol is used for securing data and routing tactic will broadcasting. Simulation of energy efficient cluster based secured routing protocol is carried out by NS2. This routing protocol provides enhanced energy efficiency, secured clustering, enlarges the lifetime of network, enhances deliverance ratio, delay and diminishes packet loss.


Author(s) Name:  D. Rajesh & D. Giji Kiruba

Journal name:  Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/s12083-021-01144-z

Volume Information:  volume 14, pages 1976–1987 (2021)