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New Solutions for Cybersecurity - Research Book

New Solutions for Cybersecurity - Research Book

Interesting Research Book in New Solutions for Cybersecurity

Author(s) Name:  Howard Shrobe, David L. Shrier, Alex Pentland

About the Book:

   Ongoing cyberattacks, hacks, data breaches, and privacy concerns demonstrate vividly the inadequacy of existing methods of cybersecurity and the need to develop new and better ones. This book brings together experts from across MIT to explore recent advances in cybersecurity from management, technical, and sociological perspectives. Leading researchers from MIT-s Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab, the MIT Media Lab, MIT Sloan School of Management, and MIT Lincoln Lab, along with their counterparts at Draper Lab, the University of Cambridge, and SRI, discuss such varied topics as a systems perspective on managing risk, the development of inherently secure hardware, and the Dark Web. The contributors suggest approaches that range from the market-driven to the theoretical, describe problems that arise in a decentralized, IoT world, and reimagine what optimal systems architecture and effective management might look like.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: Introduction: Cybersecurity and Society
  • Chapter 2: Institutions for Cybersecurity: International Responses and Data Sharing Initiatives
  • Chapter 3: Cybersafety: A Systems Theory Approach to Managing Cybersecurity Risks—Applied to TJX Cyberattack
  • Chapter 4: Measuring Stakeholders Perceptions of Cybersecurity for Renewable Energy Systems
  • Chapter 5: Fixing a Hole: The Labor Market for Bugs
  • Chapter 6: Balancing Disruption and Deployability in the CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (ISA)
  • Chapter 7: Fundamental Trustworthiness Principles in CHERI
  • Chapter 8: ISP—Hardware Enforcement of Security Policies
  • Chapter 9: Stealing Reality: When Criminals Become Data Scientists
  • Chapter 10: Moving Target Techniques: Cyber Resilience through Randomization, Diversity, and Dynamism
  • Chapter 11: Who-s Afraid of the Dark Web?
  • Chapter 12: Social Physics and Cybercrime
  • Chapter 13: Behavioral Biometrics
  • Chapter 14: Data Security and Privacy in the Age of IoT
  • Chapter 15: Owner Centric Access Management for IoT Data
  • Chapter 16: Enigma: Decentralized Computation Platform with Guaranteed Privacy
  • Chapter 17: The Trust::Data Framework as a Solution to the Cybersecurity Challenge
  • Chapter 18: Conclusion
  • ISBN:  9780262346641

    Publisher:  MIT Press

    Year of Publication:  2018

    Book Link:  Home Page Url