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A Novel Deep Neural Network for Robust Detection of Seizures Using EEG Signals - 2020

A Novel Deep Neural Network For Robust Detection Of Seizures Using Eeg Signals

Research Area:  Machine Learning


The detection of recorded epileptic seizure activity in electroencephalogram (EEG) segments is crucial for the classification of seizures. Manual recognition is a time-consuming and laborious process that places a heavy burden on neurologists, and hence, the automatic identification of epilepsy has become an important issue. Traditional EEG recognition models largely depend on artificial experience and are of weak generalization ability. To break these limitations, we propose a novel one-dimensional deep neural network for robust detection of seizures, which composes of three convolutional blocks and three fully connected layers. Thereinto, each convolutional block consists of five types of layers: convolutional layer, batch normalization layer, nonlinear activation layer, dropout layer, and max-pooling layer. Model performance is evaluated on the University of Bonn dataset, which achieves the accuracy of 97.63%∼99.52% in the two-class classification problem, 96.73%∼98.06% in the three-class EEG classification problem, and 93.55% in classifying the complicated five-class problem.


Author(s) Name:  Wei Zhao, Wenbing Zhao, Wenfeng Wang, Xiaolu Jiang, Xiaodong Zhang, Yonghong Peng ,Baocan Zhang,and Guokai Zhang

Journal name:  Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Hindawi

DOI:  10.1155/2020/9689821

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