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Insight into Diverse Keyphrase Extraction Techniques from Text Documents - 2021

Insight Into Diverse Keyphrase Extraction Techniques From Text Documents

Research Paper on Insight Into Diverse Keyphrase Extraction Techniques From Text Documents

Research Area:  Machine Learning


Keyphrase refers to a set of terms which best present the document content in a brief way. As the world is already approached toward digital documents, it is more crucial to find out a particular document accurately and efficiently. This can be achieved by keyphrase extraction as it describes the core information of documents which will be helpful to find target documents for the users. The keyphrase extraction is one of the challenging research areas in the natural language processing field because of the involvement of the voluminous unstructured and unorganized data. This paper surveys various keyphrase extraction technologies and their respective families. A systematic review of this paper provides an overview of the existing technologies with their pros and cons, and explores the direction for future development and research in this field.

Diverse Keyphrase Extraction
Text Documents
Deep Learning
Machine Learning

Author(s) Name:  Upasana Parida, Mamata Nayak & Ajit Ku. Nayak

Journal name:  

Conferrence name:  Intelligent and Cloud Computing

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/978-981-15-5971-6_44

Volume Information: