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Applying Deep Learning for Arabic Keyphrase Extraction - 2018

Applying Deep Learning For Arabic Keyphrase Extraction

Research Paper on Applying Deep Learning For Arabic Keyphrase Extraction

Research Area:  Machine Learning


Arabic keyphrase extraction is a crucial task due to the significant and growing amount of Arabic text on the web generated by a huge population. It is becoming a challenge for the community of Arabic natural language processing because of the severe shortage of resources and published processing systems. In this paper we propose a deep learning based approach for Arabic keyphrase extraction that achieves better performance compared to the related competitive approaches. We also introduce the community with an annotated large-scale dataset of about 6000 scientific abstracts which can be used for training, validating and evaluating deep learning approaches for Arabic keyphrase extraction.

Arabic natural language processing
Keyphrase Extraction
Machine Learning
Deep Learning

Author(s) Name:  Muhammad Helmy, R.M. Vigneshram, Giuseppe Serra, Carlo Tasso

Journal name:  Procedia Computer Science

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Elsevier

DOI:  10.1016/j.procs.2018.10.486

Volume Information:  Volume 142, 2018, Pages 254-261