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Plant disease detection based on a deep model - 2021

Plant disease detection based on a deep model

Research paper on Plant disease detection based on a deep model

Research Area:  Machine Learning


Careful monitoring of plant conditions and their diagnosis are necessary, but a human cannot control a large area of land where the crop grows. This paper proposes the solution of this problem. Early diagnosis and accurate detection of plant leaf diseases can prevent the spread of the disease. In the last decade, machine learning methods and image classification tools have been used to identify and diagnose plant diseases. This paper proposes an accurate approach to identify plant leaf diseases based on the deep convolutional neural network and gated recurrent units. The PlantVillage dataset of damaged and healthy plant leaves images is used. The proposed model is trained to identify common plant leaf diseases of 14 species. The experimental results are compared to other well-known models. This study shows that the proposed model based on deep learning provides the best solution in the diagnosis of plant diseases with high accuracy, and that the gated recurrent unit neural network considered as a classifier can improve the accuracy of the convolutional neural network model. The comparison results demonstrated that the proposed approach achieved higher performance than other models.

Plant disease identification
Plant leaves
Deep learning
Machine learning

Author(s) Name:  Rasim Alguliyev, Yadigar Imamverdiyev, Lyudmila Sukhostat & Ruslan Bayramov

Journal name:  Soft Computing

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/s00500-021-06176-4

Volume Information:  volume 25, pages: 13229–13242 (2021)