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Solving Current Limitations of Deep Learning Based Approaches for Plant Disease Detection - 2019

Solving Current Limitations Of Deep Learning Based Approaches For Plant Disease Detection

Research Paper on Solving Current Limitations Of Deep Learning Based Approaches For Plant Disease Detection

Research Area:  Machine Learning


Plant diseases cause great damage in agriculture, resulting in significant yield losses. The recent expansion of deep learning methods has found its application in plant disease detection, offering a robust tool with highly accurate results. The current limitations and shortcomings of existing plant disease detection models are presented and discussed in this paper. Furthermore, a new dataset containing 79,265 images was introduced with the aim to become the largest dataset containing leaf images. Images were taken in various weather conditions, at different angles, and daylight hours with an inconsistent background mimicking practical situations. Two approaches were used to augment the number of images in the dataset: traditional augmentation methods and state-of-the-art style generative adversarial networks. Several experiments were conducted to test the impact of training in a controlled environment and usage in real-life situations to accurately identify plant diseases in a complex background and in various conditions including the detection of multiple diseases in a single leaf. Finally, a novel two-stage architecture of a neural network was proposed for plant disease classification focused on a real environment. The trained model achieved an accuracy of 93.67%.

Deep Learning
Plant Disease Detection
Machine Learning

Author(s) Name:  Marko Arsenovic,Mirjana Karanovic,Srdjan Sladojevic,Andras Anderla and Darko Stefanovic

Journal name:   Symmetry

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  MDPI

DOI:  10.3390/sym11070939

Volume Information:  Volume 11, Issue 7