Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) occupies a unique position amongst universities and institutions of higher learning in the country. It was established in 1920 and evolved out of the Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental (MAO ) which was set up in 1877 by the great visionary and social reformer, Sir Syed Ahmad khan. From its very inception, it has kept its door open to the members of all communities and from all corners of the country and the world. The Aligarh Muslim University s the realization of a vision which was broad, far-reaching and realistic.Spread over 467.6 hectares in the city of Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh,Aligarh Muslim University offers more than 300 courses in the traditional and modern branches of education.
PhD Courses Offered By Aligarh Muslim University
Engg & Tech: Computer Engg
Civil Engg
Mechanical Engg
Chemical Engg
Electrical Engg
Electronics Engg
Petroleum Studies
• Others: Arts
Agricultural Sciences
Social Sciences
International Studies
Life Sciences
Address:  Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh INDIA - 202002
Phone:  +91-571-2700920
• Cryptography & Network Security
• E-learning
• Software Reliability
• Software Requirement Engineering
• Computer Graphics; Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
• Artificial Intelligence
• Software Engineering
• Parallel Processing
• Distributed Computing and Load Balancing
• Web Technologies
• Management Information System
• Ad-Hoc Wireless Area Network
• Data Computing
• Soft Computing
• Applications of AI & Neural Network in Biomedical Research
• Bioinformatics
• Research Lab
• Mobile Computing Lab