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PhD Courses in Kuvempu University - Shimoga - Karnataka

Kuvempu University - Shimoga - Karnataka

About Kuvempu University

    Kuvempu University an affiliating University established in 1987. It is a State University recognized by UGC under 2(f) and 12(b). The University has been named after great Kannada writer Shri KUVEMPU and has achieved a distinctive academic profile and a cultural identity of its own. Interestingly,the features of its identity seem to have emerged out of the multifaceted personality of Kuvempu,the great doyen of Kannada literature,a Jnanapitha awardee and one among the most significant cultural figures of modern India.Kuvempu University is a confluence of the local and the global;of the regional and the pan-Indian;of the sustenance provided by tradition and the dynamism provided by modernity;of a deep sense of commitment to the socially and culturally disadvantaged and an equally deep commitment to excellence. The emblem of the university has a mythical animal with the trunk of an elephant and the body of a swan.

PhD Courses Offered By Kuvempu University

•  Mathematics
•  Commerce
•  English
•  Botany
•  PharmaceuticalChemistry
•  Education
•  Physics
•  Kannada
•  Economics
•  Physical Education
•  Chemistry
•  Biotechnology
•  Library & Information Science
•  Environmental Science
•  Biochemistry
•  Microbiology
•  Zoology
•  Sanskrit
•  Urdu
•  Journalism And Mass Communication
•  Hindi
•  Political Science
•  History And Archaeology
•  Computer Science
•  Social Work
•  Sociology
•  Remote Sensing And Gis Applications

Address & Website of Kuvempu University

Address:  Kuvempu University Jnanasahyadri Shankaraghatta- 577451. shimoga Dist. Karnataka, India

Phone:   08282- 256301 to 256307



University Type:  State university

Computer Science Courses Offered by Kuvempu University


Computer Science Research Areas - Kuvempu University


Computer Science

Research Topics in Computer Science Research - Kuvempu University

Computer Science Research Labs with Specialization - Kuvempu University

Scholarship Programs and Funded Projects for Computer Science - Kuvempu University

PhD Admission Procedure for Computer Science -Kuvempu University

List of PhD Supervisors:
  Ph.D Supervisors in Kuvempu University