avgUtilization = (initialResource – availableResource / initialResource ) * 100
Let mips, bandwidth, store are the initial resources which are assigned in the Host creation step itself. (in creating cloud environment steps, refer step 2)
Let “host” be the Host object
get the host list
int size=getHostList().size();
create array to store the utilization values of CPU, bandwidth and storage.
double[] avgCPU = new double[size];</p>
double[] avgBandwidth = new double[size];
double[] avgStorage = new double[size];
get the available resources of each host
for(int i=0;i<size;i++){</p>
host = getHostList().get(j); // get each Host from the list
int hid = host.getId();
double availmip = host.getAvailableMips(); //retrieves the available Cpu capacity
long band = host.getBw(); //retrieves the available Bandwidth capacity
long st = host.getStorage(); //retrieves the available Storage capacity
convert all long data types to double.
Long l1=band;</p>
availband=l1.doubleValue(); //long->double conversion
Long l2=st;
avgCPU[i] = ((mips – availmip ) / (mips)) * 100
avgBandwidth [i] = ((bandwidth- availband) / (bandwidth)) * 100
avgStorage[i] = ((store – availstore) / (store)) * 100