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What are the commonly Utilization models available for cloudlet in cloudsim?

  • The Most commonly used Utilization Models are:
    a. UtilizationModelFull
    b. UtilizationModelStochastic
  • UtilizationModelFull:

    The UtilizationModelFull class is a simple model, according to which a Cloudlet always utilize all the available CPU capacity.

  • create an UtilizationModelFull object and use the object in cloudlet creation, now the cloudlet will utilize all the available CPU capacity.

    UtilizationModelFull modelfull = new UtilizationModelFull();Cloudlet cloudlet1=new Cloudlet(int cloudletId, long cloudletLength, int pesNumber, long cloudletFileSize, long cloudletOutputSize, modelfull, modelfull, modelfull);

  • The utilization will be in the range of 0-1. 0-> zero utilization, 1-> fully utilized. After the execution of the cloudlet, can check the cloudlet utilized cpu capacity in various time frame

    //double ut=cloudlet1.getUtilizationOfCpu(double time)double ut=cloudlet1.getUtilizationOfCpu(0.1);At 0.1 time the cpu utilized by the cloudlet will be retrieved. Here the model used is UtilizationModelFull therefore the result will be 1.0 (i.e fully utilized).

  • UtilizationModelStochastic:

    The UtilizationModelStochastic class implements a model, according to which a Cloudlet generates random CPU utilization every time frame.

  • create an UtilizationModelStochastic object and use the object in cloudlet creation.

    UtilizationModelStochastic modelfsto = new UtilizationModelStochastic();Cloudlet cloudlet2=new Cloudlet(int cloudletId, long cloudletLength, int pesNumber, long cloudletFileSize, long cloudletOutputSize, modelfsto, modelfsto, modelfsto);

  • double ut=cloudlet2.getUtilizationOfCpu(0.1);At 0.1 time the cpu utilized by the cloudlet will be retrieved. Here the model used is UtilizationModelStochastic, the cloudlet generated random cpu value between 0 and 1. therefore for example the result will be as 0.54005678 (a random cpu value between 0 and 1).