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How to detect Meta characters in regular expression with R?


To detect Meta characters in regular expression with R


Meta characters :

  Meta characters are special operators that regular expressions do not capture.

  Meta characters are . \ | ( ) [ ] { } $ * + ?

  These meta characters should be prefixed with double backslash (\) in order to detect them using regular expression

  In order to find a double backslash in a string, we need to prefix it with another double backslash.

Sequences :

  Sequences contain special characters used to describe a pattern in a given string.

\d Matches a digit character
\D Matches a Non-digit character
\s Matches a space character
\S Matches a non-space character
\w Matches a word character
\W Matches a Non-word character
\b Matches a word boundary
\B Matches a Non-word boundary
Sapmle Code

#To find the index position of the character vector containing the given pattern
#To get the character vector containing the given pattern
#To get the logical value(TRUE or FALSE) of the character vector containing the pattern
#To match the pattern with case sensitive
#To match the given pattern with character vector as it is
grep(“aeiou”,c(“apple”,”bat”,”cat”,”Crypt”,”dog”,”elephant”,”Flag”,”aeiou”,”AEIOU”),fixed = TRUE)
#To return the character vector that do not contain the gven pattern
grep(“[aeiou]”,c(“apple”,”bat”,”cat”,”Crypt”,”dog”,”elephant”,”Flag”,”aeiou”,”AEIOU”),invert = TRUE)

detect Meta characters in regular expression with R