To perform web scraping using R
Load necessary libraries
Get the URL of the web page
Read the contents of the web page
Get the necessary details from the web page using the predefined functions with the help of the corresponding HTML tags
Right click on the data in the web page and click inspect to get the HMTL tags of that particular data
#Specifying the url for desired website to be scrapped
url1 <-“”
#Reading the html content from the web page
webpage1 webpage1
#To get the name of the book
title_html title_html
title head(title)
# remove all space and new lines
str_replace_all(title, “[\r\t\n]”,””)
#To get the price
price_html price head(price)
#To get the book description
book_des head(book_des[1])
#To get hte ratings
rating_html rating head(rating)
str_replace_all(rating, “[\r\t\n]”,””)
#To get the number of ratings and reviews
ra_re_html ra_re head(ra_re[1])