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How to plot Cause and Effect Diagram in R?


How to plot a Cause and Effect Diagram using R programming.


Steps in creating Cause and Effect Diagram:

   Name the main problem or event.

   This usually goes at the head of the "fish" in your diagram.

   Make categories for causes and create the "bone structure" of your fish.

   Common categories include: people, methods, measurements, materials, machines and environment

   List possible causes under each category including variations in a process or design.

   Insert your completed fishbone diagram into any report or presentation.

R Package : SixSigma

R Function : ceDiag()

Sapmle Code

#Cause and Effect Diagram or Fish- bone Sample

effect<-“Less Productivity”

causes.head<-c(“Measurement”, “Material”, “Methods”, “Environment”, “Manpower”, “Machines”)

#Individual Causes
causes<-vector(mode = “list”, length = length(causes.head))
causes[1]<-list(c(“Lab error”, “Contamination”))
causes[2]<-list(c(“Raw Material”, “Additive”))
causes[3]<-list(c(“Sampling”, “Analytical Procedure”))
causes[4]<-list(c(“Rust near sample point”))
causes[5]<-list(c(“Poor analyst”,”No guidance”))
causes[6]<-list(c(“Leakage”, “breakdown”))

#Fishbone Diagram
ss.ceDiag(effect,causes.head,causes,sub=”ABC Pvt. Ltd”,ss.col = c(“”,”red”))

plot Cause and Effect Diagram in R