To know the apply, sapply, lapply, tapply functions using R programming.
It can apply over array, matrix or data frame
R Function : apply(x, MARGIN= , FUN= )
x -- array or matrix or data frame MARGIN -- 1 for row, 2 for column
FUN -- functions may be mean,median, mode etc.
It can apply over elements of list or data frame
Returns list
It doesn’t need margin value
R Function :lapply(x, FUN= )
x -- list or data frame
FUN -- functions may be mean,median, mode etc.
Same as lapply but simplifies the responce Returns vector
R Function :sapply(x, FUN= )
x -- list or data frame
FUN -- functions may be mean,median, mode etc.
It Computes measure of mean, median, min, max or a function for each factor R Function : tapply(x,INDEX= ,FUN= )
x -- vector
INDEX -- a list containing factor
FUN -- function applied to each element of x
#Functions : apply,lapply,sapply,tapply
#Input vector
my_matrix<-matrix(1:10, nrow=2,ncol=5,byrow = TRUE)
#mean value of row of input matrix
#mean value of column of input matrix
apply(my_matrix, 2, FUN = mean)