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How to save files from spark using R?


To save files from spark using R

Functions used :

write.df(df, path =”filepath”) – Save the contents of Spark data frame to a data source(default is parquet)
saveDF(df, path=”filepath”, source =”csv”, mode = “error”) – Save the contents of Spark data frame to a data source(default is parquet)
Source – a name for ecternal data source
Mode – one of ‘append’, ‘overwrite’, ‘error’, ‘errorifexists’, ‘ignore’ save mode (it is ‘error’ by default)
‘append’: Contents of this SparkDataFrame are expected to be appended to existing data.
‘overwrite’: Existing data is expected to be overwritten by the contents of this SparkDataFrame.
‘error’ or ‘errorifexists’: An exception is expected to be thrown.
‘ignore’: The save operation is expected to not save the contents of the SparkDataFrame and to not change the existing data.

  • Import necessary libraries
  • Initialize the Spark session
  • Create the required data frame
  • Use the predefined function to save the RDD data frame from spark
Sapmle Code

#Set up spark home
.libPaths(c(file.path(Sys.getenv(“SPARK_HOME”), “R”, “lib”), .libPaths()))
#Load the library
#Initialize the Spark Context
#To run spark in a local node give master=”local”
sc #Start the SparkSQL Context
sqlContext #Load the data set
data = read.df(“file:///…/Emp.csv”,”csv”,header = “true”, inferSchema = “true”, na.strings = “NA”)
data1 = withColumn(data,”Final_salary”, (data$SALARY+data$TA))
#Save the contents of Spark data frame to a data source(default is parquet)
write.df(df, path =”/…./sparkr”)
saveDF(df, path=”/…./sparkr1″, source =”csv”, mode = “error”)

How to save files from spark using R
Initialize the Spark session
To run spark in a local node give master
Use the predefined function to save the RDD data frame from spark