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A cloud service adaptive framework based on reliable resource allocation - 2018

A cloud service adaptive framework based on reliable resource allocation

Research Area:  Cloud Computing


In the process of resource allocation in the cloud service system, the failure of the resource node could cause the failure of cloud service. It not only reduced the quality of service, but produced a lot of “extra” energy consumption. Based on this problem, the paper proposed a reliable resource supply scheme for cloud service, on the basis of reliable resource supply, constructed the cloud service adaptive frame Cloud_RRSSF. The framework can provide adaptive adjustment of cloud service according to specific conditions when the user supply or service abnormality occurs. The experimental results showed that the Cloud_RRSSF proposed in this paper can provide reliable resource supply, it can also efficiently reduce the consumption of the data center.


Author(s) Name:  DanLiu,XinSui,LiLi,Zhengang Jiang,Zetian Zhang and Yan Zeng

Journal name:  Future Generation Computer Systems

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  ELSEVIER

DOI:  10.1016/j.future.2018.05.059

Volume Information:  Volume 89, December 2018, Pages 455-463