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A Computational Offloading Method for Edge Server Computing and Resource Allocation Management - 2021

A Computational Offloading Method for Edge Server Computing and Resource Allocation Management

Research Area:  Cloud Computing


The emerging technology of mobile cloud is introduced to overcome the constraints of mobile devices. We can achieve that by offloading resource intensive applications to remote cloud-based data centers. For the remote computing solution, mobile devices (MDs) experience higher response time and delay of the network, which negatively affects the real-time mobile user applications. In this study, we proposed a model to evaluate the efficiency of the close-end network computation offloading in MEC. This model helps in choosing the adjacent edge server from the surrounding edge servers. This helps to minimize the latency and increase the response time. To do so, we use a decision rule based Heuristic Virtual Value (HVV). The HVV is a mapping function based on the features of the edge server like the workload and performance. Furthermore, we propose availability of a virtual machine resource algorithm (AVM) based on the availability of VM in edge cloud servers for efficient resource allocation and task scheduling. The results of experiment simulation show that the proposed model can meet the response time requirements of different real-time services, improve the performance, and minimize the consumption of MD energy and the resource utilization.


Author(s) Name:  Muna Al-Razgan, Taha Alfakih ,and Mohammad Mehedi Hassan

Journal name:  Journal of Mathematics

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Hindawi

DOI:  10.1155/2021/3557059

Volume Information:  Volume 2021