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Distributed Multi-Dimensional Pricing for Efficient Application Offloading in Mobile Cloud Computing - 2018

Distributed Multi-Dimensional Pricing for Efficient Application Offloading in Mobile Cloud Computing

Research Area:  Cloud Computing


Offloading computation intensive applications to mobile cloud is promising for overcoming the problems of limited computational resources and energy of mobile devices. However, without considering the competition relationship of mobile users and cloudlets in the mobile cloud computing system, existing studies lack an incentive mechanism for the system to achieve efficient application offloading and cloud resource provisioning. In this paper, we design MPTMG, a Multi-dimensional Pricing mechanism based on Two-sided Market Game. We propose three types of prices: a multi-dimensional price corresponding to multi-dimensional resource allocation, a penalty price to encourage fair and high quality cloud services, and a benefit discount factor to motivate more even provisioning of resources on different dimensions in the cloud. Based on these prices, we propose a distributed price-adjustment algorithm for efficient resource allocation and QoS-aware offloading scheduling. We prove that the algorithm can converge in a finite number of iterations to the equilibrium core allocation at which the mobile cloud system achieves the Pareto efficiency by maximizing the total system benefit. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that applies economic theories and pricing mechanisms to manage application offloading in mobile cloud systems. The simulation results demonstrate that our proposed pricing mechanism can significantly improve the system performance.


Author(s) Name:  Kun Xie,Xin Wang,Gaogang Xie,Dongliang Xie,Jiannong Cao,Yuqin Ji and Jigang Wen

Journal name:  IEEE Transactions on Services Computing

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  IEEE

DOI:  10.1109/TSC.2016.2642182

Volume Information:  November 2019, Volume 12,Issue 6,Pages, p.925 To - 940