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Energy Efficient Scheduling of Servers with Multi-Sleep Modes for Cloud Data Center - 2018

Energy Efficient Scheduling of Servers with Multi-Sleep Modes for Cloud Data Center

Research Area:  Cloud Computing


In a cloud data center, servers are always over-provisioned in an active state to meet the peak demand of requests, wasting a large amount of energy as a result. One of the options to reduce the power consumption of data centers is to reduce the number of idle servers, or to switch idle servers into low-power sleep states. However, the servers cannot process the requests immediately when transiting to an active state. There are delays and extra power consumption during the transition. In this paper, we consider using state-of-the-art servers with multi-sleep modes. The sleep modes with smaller transition delays usually consume more power when sleeping. Given the arrival of incoming requests, our goal is to minimize the energy consumption of a cloud data center by the scheduling of servers with multi-sleep modes. We formulate this problem as an integer linear programming (ILP) problem during the whole period of time with millions of decision variables. To solve this problem, we divide it into sub-problems with smaller periods while ensuring the feasibility and transition continuity for each sub-problem through a Backtrack-and-Update technique. We also consider using DVFS to adjust the frequency of active servers, so that the requests can be processed with the least power. Our simulations are based on traces from real world. Experiments show that our method can significantly reduce the power consumption for a cloud data center.


Author(s) Name:  Chonglin Gu,Zhenlong Li,Hejiao Huang and Xiaohua Jia

Journal name:  IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  IEEE

DOI:  10.1109/TCC.2018.2834376

Volume Information:  July-Sept. 2020, pp. 833-846, vol. 8