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Micro Service Cloud Computing Pattern for Next Generation Networks - 2016

Micro Service Cloud Computing Pattern for Next Generation Networks

Research Area:  Cloud Computing


The falling trend in the revenue of traditional telephony services has attracted attention to new IP based services. The IP Multimedia System (IMS) is a key architecture which provides the necessary platform for delivery of new multimedia services. However, current implementations of IMS do not offer automatic scalability or elastisity for the growing number of customers. Although the cloud computing paradigm has shown many promising characteristics for web applications, it is still failing to meet the requirements for telecommunication applications. In this paper, we present some related cloud computing patterns and discuss their adaptations for implementation of IMS or other telecommunication systems.


Author(s) Name:   Pascal Potvin,Mahdy Nabaee Fabrice Labeau,Kim-Khoa Nguyen,Mohamed Cheriet

Journal name:  

Conferrence name:  International Summit, Smart City 360°

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/978-3-319-33681-7_22

Volume Information:  pp 263-274