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Multi-objective workflow scheduling in cloud computing: trade-off between makespan and cost - 2021

Multi-objective workflow scheduling in cloud computing: trade-off between makespan and cost

Research Area:  Cloud Computing


Recently, modern businesses have started to transform into cloud computing platforms to deploy their workflow applications. However, scheduling workflow under resource allocation is significantly challenging due to the computational intensity of the workflow, the dependency between tasks, and the heterogeneity of cloud resources. During resource allocation, the cloud computing environment may encounter considerable problems in terms of execution time and execution cost, which may lead to disruptions in service quality given to users. Therefore, there is a necessity to reduce the makespan and the cost at the same time. Often, this is modeled as a multi-objective optimization problem. In this respect, the fundamental research issue we address in this paper is the potential trade-off between the makespan and the cost of virtual machine usage. We propose a HEFT-ACO approach, which is based on the heterogeneous earliest end time (HEFT), and the ant colony algorithm (ACO) to minimize them. Experimental simulations are performed on three types of real-world science workflows and take into account the properties of the Amazon EC2 cloud platform. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm performs better than basic ACO, PEFT-ACO, and FR-MOS.


Author(s) Name:  Ali Belgacem & Kadda Beghdad-Bey

Journal name:  Cluster Computing

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/s10586-021-03432-y

Volume Information:  volume 25, pages 579–595 (2022)