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Multi-Swarm Co-evolution based Hybrid Intelligent Optimization for Bi-objective Multi-Workflow Scheduling in the Cloud - 2021

Multi-Swarm Co-evolution based Hybrid Intelligent Optimization for Bi-objective Multi-Workflow Scheduling in the Cloud

Research Area:  Cloud Computing


Many scientific applications can be well modeled as large-scale workflows. Cloud computing has become a suitable platform for hosting and executing them. Workflow scheduling has gained much attention in recent years. However, since cloud service providers must offer services for multiple users with various QoS demands, scheduling multiple applications with different QoS requirements is highly challenging. This work proposes a Multi-swarm Co-evolutionary-based Hybrid Optimization (MCHO) algorithm for multiple-workflow scheduling to minimize total makespan and cost while workflow deadline constraints. First, we design a multi-swarm co-evolutionary mechanism where three swarms are adopted to sufficiently search for various elite solutions. Second, to improving global search and convergence performance, we embed local and global guiding information into the updating process of a Particle Swarm Optimizer, and develop a swarm cooperation technique. Third, we propose a Genetic Algorithm-based elite enhancement strategy to exploit more non-dominated individuals, and apply the Metropolis Acceptance rule of Simulated Annealing to update the local guiding solution for each swarm so as to prevent it from being stuck into a local optimum at an early stage. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that MCHO outperforms the state-of-art scheduling algorithms with better distributed non-dominated solutions.


Author(s) Name:  Huifang Li; Danjing Wang; Mengchu Zhou; Yushun Fan; Yuanqing Xia

Journal name:  IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems ( Early Access )

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  IEEE

DOI:  10.1109/TPDS.2021.3122428

Volume Information:   Page(s): 1 - 1