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Performance-Aware Cloud Resource Allocation via Fitness-enabled Auction - 2014

Performance-Aware Cloud Resource Allocation via Fitness-enabled Auction

Research Area:  Cloud Computing


Cloud computing is a new computing paradigm which features renting the computation devices instead of buying them. In a typical cloud computing environment, there will always be different kinds of cloud resources and a number of cloud services making use of cloud resources to run on. As we can see, these cloud services usually have different performance traits. Some may be I/O-intensive, like those data querying services, while others might demand more CPU cycles, like 3D image processing services. Meanwhile, cloud resources also have different kinds of capabilities such as data processing, I/O throughput, 3D image rendering, etc. A simple fact is that allocating a suitable resource will greatly improve the performance of the cloud service, and make the cloud resource itself more efficient as well. In this paper, a new cloud resource allocating algorithm via fitness-enabled auction is proposed to guarantee the fitness of performance traits between cloud resources (sellers) and cloud services (buyers). We study the allocating algorithm in terms of economic efficiency and system performance, and experiments show that the allocation is far more efficient in comparison with the continuous double auction in which the idea of fitness is not introduced.


Author(s) Name:  Hongbing Wang; Zuling Kang; Lei Wang

Journal name:  IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  IEEE

DOI:  10.1109/TPDS.2015.2426188

Volume Information:  Volume: 27, Issue: 4, April 1 2016,Page(s): 1160 - 1173