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Serverless Computing: Current Trends and Open Problems - 2017

Serverless Computing: Current Trends and Open Problems

Research Area:  Cloud Computing


Serverless computing has emerged as a new compelling paradigm for the deployment of applications and services. It represents an evolution of cloud programming models, abstractions, and platforms, and is a testament to the maturity and wide adoption of cloud technologies. In this chapter, we survey existing serverless platforms from industry, academia, and open-source projects, identify key characteristics and use cases, and describe technical challenges and open problems.


Author(s) Name:  Ioana Baldini,Paul Castro,Kerry Chang,Perry Cheng,Stephen Fink,Vatche Ishakian,Nick Mitchell,Vinod Muthusamy,Rodric Rabbah,Aleksander Slominski,Philippe Suter

Journal name:  Research Advances in Cloud Computing

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/978-981-10-5026-8_1

Volume Information:  pp 1-20