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Towards Green Cloud Computing: Demand Allocation and Pricing Policies for Cloud Service Brokerage - 2018

Towards Green Cloud Computing: Demand Allocation and Pricing Policies for Cloud Service Brokerage

Research Area:  Cloud Computing


Functioning as an intermediary between tenants and cloud providers, cloud service brokerages (CSBs) can bring about great benefits to the cloud market. As energy costs of cloud computing have been increasing rapidly, there is a need for cloud providers to optimize energy efficiency while maintain high service level performance to tenants, not only for their own benefit but also for social welfares. Thus, for green cloud companies, two questions have arisen: 1) under what pricing policies from the cloud providers to the CSB, a profit-driven CSB is willing to minimize the total energy cost while satisfy tenant demands and 2) how should a CSB distribute tenants demands to achieve this objective? To address question 1), we find a pricing policy for cloud providers such that maximizing CSBs profit is equivalent to minimizing cloud providers energy cost. To address question 2), we first devise a greedy solution, and then propose an approximation algorithm and a decomposition-based solution with a constant approximation ratio. Both simulation and real-world Amazon EC2 experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our pricing policy to incentivize CSBs to save energy and the superior performance of our algorithms in energy efficiency and resource utilization over the previous algorithms.


Author(s) Name:  Chenxi Qiu; Haiying Shen and Liuhua Chen

Journal name:  IEEE Transactions on Big Data

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  IEEE

DOI:  10.1109/TBDATA.2018.2823330

Volume Information:  Volume: 5, Issue: 2, June 1 2019,Page(s): 238 - 251