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Fuzzified Cuckoo based Clustering Technique for Network Anomaly Detection - 2018

Fuzzified Cuckoo Based Clustering Technique For Network Anomaly Detection

Research Paper on Fuzzified Cuckoo Based Clustering Technique For Network Anomaly Detection

Research Area:  Machine Learning


With the increasing penetration of security threats, the severity of their impact on the underlying network has increased manifold. Hence, a robust anomaly detection technique, Fuzzified Cuckoo based Clustering Technique (F-CBCT), is proposed in this paper which operates in two phases: training and detection. The training phase is supported using Decision Tree followed by an algorithm based on hybridization of Cuckoo Search Optimization and K-means clustering. In the designed algorithm, a multi-objective function based on Mean Square Error and Silhouette Index is employed to evaluate the two simultaneous distance functions namely-Classification measure and Anomaly detection measure. Once the system is trained, detection phase is initiated in which a fuzzy decisive approach is used to detect anomalies on the basis of input data and distance functions computed in the previous phase. Experimental results in terms of detection rate (96.86%), false positive rate (1.297%), accuracy (97.77%) and F-Measure (98.30%) prove the effectiveness of the proposed model.

Fuzzified Cuckoo
Clustering Technique
Network Anomaly Detection
Machine Learning
Deep Learning

Author(s) Name:  SahilGarg and ShaliniBatra

Journal name:  Computers & Electrical Engineering

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  ELSEVIER

DOI:  10.1016/j.compeleceng.2017.07.008

Volume Information:  Volume 71, October 2018, Pages 798-817