Research Area:  Machine Learning
Prediction of stock market trends is considered as an important task and is of great attention as predicting stock prices successfully may lead to attractive profits by making proper decisions. Stock market prediction is a major challenge owing to non-stationary, blaring, and chaotic data, and thus, the prediction becomes challenging among the investors to invest the money for making profits. Several techniques are devised in the existing techniques to predict the stock market trends. This work presents the detailed review of 50 research papers suggesting the methodologies, like Bayesian model, Fuzzy classifier, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier, Neural Network (NN), Machine Learning Methods and so on, based on stock market prediction. The obtained papers are classified based on different prediction and clustering techniques. The research gaps and the challenges faced by the existing techniques are listed and elaborated, which help the researchers to upgrade the future works. The works are analyzed using certain datasets, software tools, performance evaluation measures, prediction techniques utilized, and performance attained by different techniques. The commonly used technique for attaining effective stock market prediction is ANN and the fuzzy-based technique. Even though a lot of research efforts, the current stock market prediction technique still have many limits. From this survey, it can be concluded that the stock market prediction is a very complex task, and different factors should be considered for predicting the future of the market more accurately and efficiently.
Author(s) Name:  Dattatray P. Gandhmal, K. Kumar
Journal name:  Computer Science Review
Conferrence name:  
Publisher name:  Elsevier
DOI:  10.1016/j.cosrev.2019.08.001
Volume Information:  Volume 34, November 2019, 100190
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