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Benefit Evaluation of Water and Soil Conservation Measures in Shendong Based on Particle Swarm Optimization and the Analytic Hierarchy Process - 2020


Water and Soil Conservation on Particle Swarm Optimization | S - Logix

Research Area:  Metaheuristic Computing


Soil erosion is the main threat to the stability of ecological environment and the harmonious development of society in Shendong Mining Area. The main causes of this threat include the strong interference of natural characteristics and land development. Scientific soil and water conservation measures can coordinate the contradictions among coal economic development, ecological protection, and residents’ prosperity. Based on particle swarm optimization and analytic hierarchy process, the benefit evaluation system of soil and water conservation measures in Shendong Mining Area is established. The weight ratio of three kinds of benefits in Shendong coal mine collapse area is: ecological benefit > social benefit > economic benefit. The conclusion shows that the implementation of the national policy and the effect of mining area management meet the expectation. Therefore, this study provides effective reference and reasonable suggestions for soil and water conservation in Shendong Mining Area. In terms of control measures, bioengineering measures, such as increased coverage of forest and grass as well as reasonable transformation of the landscape pattern of micro landform, can improve the degree of soil erosion control, optimize the land use structure, and improve the land use rate.

analytic hierarchy process
particle swarm optimization
soil erosion
soil and water conservation
benefit evaluation
Shendong Mining Area

Author(s) Name:  Yangnan Guo, Guoqing Chen, Rigan Mo, Meng Wang, and Yuying Bao

Journal name:  Water

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  MDPI

DOI:  10.3390/w12071955

Volume Information:  volume 12 (7)