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Trending Literature Survey Topics in Metaheuristic Computing

Trending Literature Survey Topics in Metaheuristic Computing

Trending Literature Survey Topics in Metaheuristic Computing

   A metaheuristic is nature-inspired computing that has been grown huge popularity in computational intelligence and many applications due to its efficiency and effectiveness in solving complex problems. Evolutionary computation and swam intelligent computation are the two major metaheuristic-natured optimization approaches.
   Based on the behavior of mother biological nature and their characteristics, metaheuristic provides optimal solutions with less computational work than the other optimization algorithms, iterative approaches, or basic heuristics. Several literature reviews present a comprehensive review based on the reliability, robustness, computational resources, and time complexity of the metaheuristic algorithm. This list aims to provide literature surveys of metaheuristic computing which covers algorithms applications, and also presents surveys in impressive research areas of metaheuristic.

List of Latest Topics for Literature Survey in Metaheuristic Computing