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PhD Computer Science in Ecole Polytechnique - Palaiseau - France

Ecole Polytechnique - Palaiseau - France

About Ecole Polytechnique

  The École Polytechnique is a French engineering school in Palaiseau, near Paris, chartered in 1794. École Polytechnique is one of France-s oldest and most prevalent institutions of higher education.
  The École Polytechnique is popular for its prominence in scientific and technological research and facilitates a significant role in many areas, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, and computer science.
  École Polytechnique is a top-class research institution that continues to make important contributions to science, technology, and society. École Polytechnique contributes innovation in various domains and promotes responsible, productive, economic, and scientific development with its scientific excellence to serve society.

Address & Website of Ecole Polytechnique

Address:  Rte de Saclay, 91120 Palaiseau, France

Phone:  +33 1 69 33 33 33



University Type:  Public University

Computer Science Courses Offered by Ecole Polytechnique

Bachelor-s Degree;
 •  Double major in Mathematics & Computer Science
Master of Science & Technology (MSc&T) Programs;
 •  Artificial Intelligence & Advanced Visual Computing
 •  Internet of Things: Innovation and Management
 •  Data Science For Business X-HEC
 •  Data Science for Finance X-HEC
 •  Data and Economics for Public Policy
 •  Economics; Data Analytics and Corporate Finance
 •  Economics for Smart Cities and Climate Policy
Ph.D. Program;
 •  Computer Science

Computer Science Research Areas - Ecole Polytechnique


Computer science research at Ecole Polytechnique covers a wide range of topics such as
 •  Algorithms
 •  Complexity
 •  Combinatorics
 •  Constraints and Optimization
 •  Bioinformatics
 •  Concurrent and Distributed Systems
 •  Security and Networks
 •  Control (Hybrid) and Cyberphysical Systems
 •  Symbolic Computation
 •  Proofs and Types
 •  Verification

Research Topics in Computer Science Research - Ecole Polytechnique

 •  Algorithmic game theory
 •  Approximation algorithms
 •  Randomized algorithms
 •  Parameterized algorithms

 •  Communication complexity
 •  Computational complexity theory
 •  Derandomization

 •  Random graphs
 •  Extremal combinatorics
 •  Discrete geometry
 •  Enumeration

Constraints and Optimization:
 •  Combinatorial optimization
 •  Convex optimization
 •  Global optimization

 •  Comparative genomics
 •  Protein structure prediction
 •  Metagenomics
 •  Systems biology

Concurrent and Distributed Systems:
 •  Cloud computing
 •  Concurrent programming
 •  Distributed algorithms
 •  Parallel computing

Security and Networks:
 •  Cryptography
 •  Network security
 •  Wireless networks
 •  Internet of things security

Control (Hybrid) and Cyberphysical Systems:
 •  Cyberphysical systems design
 •  Hybrid systems control
 •  Networked control systems
 •  Robotics

Symbolic Computation:
 •  Automated reasoning
 •  Computer algebra
 •  Formal verification

Proofs and Types:
 •  Homotopy type theory
 •  Type theory
 •  Coq proof assistant

 •  Automated theorem proving
 •  Model checking
 •  Program analysis
 •  Static analysis

Computer Science Research Labs with Specialization - Ecole Polytechnique

 •  Computer Science Laboratory
 •  Center for Data Science
 •  Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems
 •  Center for Visual Computing
 •  Network and Computer Science Laboratory
 •  Complex Systems Institute
 •  Center for Innovation in Telecommunications and Integration of Services

Scholarship Programs and Funded Projects for Computer Science - Ecole Polytechnique

 •  Ecole Polytechnique PhD Program
 •  AXA Research Fund Ph.D. Fellowship
 •  CEA Ph.D. Scholarship
 •  Inria Ph.D. Scholarship
 •  European Research Council (ERC) Ph.D. Scholarship
 •  Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Ph.D. Fellowship
 •  Fondation Mines-Télécom PhD Scholarship
 •  Funded projects in computer science at Ecole Polytechnique - Palaiseau - France
 •  ANR ReDSoCs project
 •  Inria Flowers project

PhD Admission Procedure for Computer Science -Ecole Polytechnique

The admission requirements for the Ph.D. program in computer science at Ecole Polytechnique are as follows:
 •  Applicants must hold a master-s degree or equivalent in computer science or a relevant field from an authorized university
 •  Applicants are required to submit a research proposal describing their proposed research project
 •  Applicants must be fluent in English, as the program is conducted in English and French proficiency is also preferred but not necessary
 •  Applicants must submit at least two letters of recommendation from professors or researchers
 •  Applicants must provide scores for GRE or TOEFL, or IELTS
 •  Relevant research or work experience in computer science

List of PhD Supervisors:
  Ph.D Supervisors in Ecole Polytechnique