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PhD Computer Science in Northeastern University - Boston - United States

Northeastern University - Boston - United States

About Northeastern University

  Northeastern University was established in 1898, and its main campus is in Boston. Northeastern University is a private, highly-residential research institution recognized in the category of R1 institute by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education.
  Northeastern University offers all graduate and professional degree programs in 229 fields. A few are arts, media, and design; business; computer and information science; engineering; health sciences; professional studies; science; social sciences and humanities; and law. Northeastern University matriculates 19,000 undergraduate students and 8,600 graduate students, approximately. Northeastern University is divided among R1: Doctoral Universities that denote a Very high research activity. Northeastern University attributes a collaborative education program and one of the world-s largest co-op/internship programs that involve the opportunity of working overseas. Northeastern University also has an extensive study abroad program that reaches more than 170 universities and colleges.

Address & Website of Northeastern University

Address:  360 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115, United States

Phone:  +1 617-373-2000



University Type:  Private research university

Computer Science Courses Offered by Northeastern University

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
 •  Computer Science
 •  Network Science
Master of Science (MS)
 •  Artificial Intelligence
 •  Data Science
 •  Game Science and Design
 •  Internet of Things
 •  Robotics
Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS)
 •  Computer Science Graduate Certificate
 •  Cloud Software Development
 •  Computer Science
 •  Data Analytics

Computer Science Research Areas - Northeastern University


 Computer science research at Northeastern University aims to advance; enhance; and secure the data; devices; software; and systems to make more discoveries across its sub-research areas namely;
  •  Algorithms & Theory
  •  Artificial Intelligence
  •  Computational Biology
  •  Data Science
  •  Data Visualization
  •  Formal Methods
  •  Games
  •  Human-Computer Interaction
  •  Machine Learning
  •  Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval
  •  Network Science
  •  Personal Health Informatics
  •  Programming Languages
  •  Robotics
  •  Security and Privacy
  •  Software Engineering
  •  Systems and Networking

Research Topics in Computer Science Research - Northeastern University

 Northeastern University-s current computer science research area of investigation regarding its research area are spotlighted below,

Algorithms & Theory - Approximation algorithms, Computational complexity, Cryptography, Distributed computing, Privacy, Learning theory, and Network algorithms

Artificial Intelligence - Cognitive, emotional, social, and physical behavior models, Application of human behavior modeling to the design of health interventions, Social skills training to simulate social systems, Robotic systems capable of flexibly interacting with the world, Design of virtual humans capable of interacting with people using verbal and nonverbal behavior

Computational Biology - Causal inference in bimolecular systems, Computational mass spectrometry-based proteomics, Macromolecular structure and function, Network biology and medicine, Studies of molecular mechanisms of disease and Variant and genome interpretation

Data Science - Business and predictive analytics, Computational epidemiology, Computational molecular biology and bioinformatics, computer vision, Data mining, Database systems, Digital humanities, Game analytics, Health informatics, Information retrieval, Information visualization, Knowledge Representation, Machine learning, Natural language processing, Parallel and distributed data analysis and Statistics.

Data Visualization - Perception and cognition, Data storytelling, Analytic provenance, Coordinated views and interactions, Tree/hierarchical, Network, Multidimensional and Geospatial data, Uncertain, missing, erroneous data, Temporal event sequences, User interface design, Interaction design, and Evaluation methodologies

Formal Methods - Interactive theorem proving, Decision procedures, Model checking, Formal verification, Concurrency, Testing, Refinement, Synthesis, Numerical stability of programs, Correct and secure compilation, Embedded and cyber-physical systems

Games - Game evaluation, Gameplay analytics and visualization, New gaming interface design, Player experience, and modeling, Computational algorithms for interactive narrative and building 3D characters, Development of new methods to understand human behaviors, Games for crowdsourcing, human computation, and citizen science

Human-Computer Interaction - Advanced sensing and natural language processing, Automatic detection of human behavior and context, Data visualization tools and methods to communicate insight and support new scientific discovery, Prototyping and testing new methods for assessing user experience, New methods for using citizen science and crowdsourcing, Development of conversational agents that educate, counsel, and persuade users, Audit, and critique of deployed socio-technical systems to understand if they are fair, unbiased, and ethical

Machine Learning - Machine learning theory, Deep learning, Graphical models, Learning-to-rank, and Semi-supervised learning

Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval - Summarization, Information retrieval, Machine translation, Social dynamics of language, Inferring latent social networks, and Brain signal transcription

Network Science - Analysis of technology-s impact on social networks, Mathematical and data-driven computational models of critical infrastructure, biological data, and information systems, Data mining and machine learning for complex networks, Analysis and modeling of information and contagion spreading processes, Mining and exploring heterogeneous information networks, Social network processes in collaborative decision making and team collaboration, Control theory for complex networks, Political and social influence in networks

Personal Health Informatics - mHealth (mobile/wearable health systems), Health counseling dialogue systems, Assistive health technologies, with special emphasis on urban and disadvantaged populations, older adults, and children with autism and Temporal event sequence visualization for adjusting type 1 diabetes treatment protocols

Programming Languages - Language design, Semantics, Type systems, Small and large program development, Programming language implementation, and Environment tools programming

Robotics - Human-robot interaction, Multi-robot coordination, Robot manipulation, Reinforcement learning, planning, and abstraction

Security and Privacy- Mobile system security, Wireless and distributed systems, Security and privacy of cloud computing, Systems security, Software security, Privacy concerns, including on social networks, Network security, Cryptography, Security Analytics, and Cyber-physical security

Systems and Networking - Cloud computing, Cyber-physical systems, Distributed systems, High-performance computing, Internet measurement, Mobile/wireless systems, Networking, Parallel computing, Security and privacy, and Storage systems.

Computer Science Research Labs with Specialization - Northeastern University

 Computer science research at Northeastern University established various research labs, centers, and groups, such as
  •  Algorithm Auditing Research Group
  •  Applied Machine Learning Group
  •  Center for Complex Network Research
  •  Civic A.I. Lab
  •  Cognitive Embodied Social Agents Research (CESAR) Lab
  •  Collaborative Social Systems Lab
  •  Communication Analysis and Design Laboratory (CADLAB)
  •  Computational Behavioral Science Lab
  •  Consortium on Technology for Proactive Care
  •  Databases (Data Lab)
  •  Formal Methods Group
  •  Game User Interaction and Intelligence (GUII) Lab
  •  Helping Hands Lab
  •  Institute for Experiential Robotics
  •  International Systems Security Lab
  •  Lab for Learning and Planning in Robotics
  •  Lazer Lab
  •  Massachusetts Open Cloud
  •  Mathematical, Computational, and Applied Data Science (MCADS) Lab
  •  mHealth Research Group
  •  Modeling of Biological and Socio-technical Systems (MOBS) Lab
  •  Mon(IoT)r Lab
  •  Network and Distributed Systems Security (NDS2)
  •  Northeastern Center for Technology in Support of Self-Management and Health
  •  Northeastern Natural Language Processing (NLP) Research Group
  •  Northeastern Systems Security Lab
  •  Northeastern University Visualization Consortium (NUVis)
  •  NULab for Texts, Maps, and Networks
  •  Programming Research Laboratory
  •  Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence for Time-Variant Health Data (SATH) Lab
  •  Solid State Storage Lab
  •  Spatiotemporal Learning Group
  •  Statistical Machine Learning Group
  •  Synergetic Media Learning (SMILE) Lab
  •  Systems Research Group
  •  Wellness Technology Lab

Scholarship Programs and Funded Projects for Computer Science - Northeastern University

 Scholarships opportunities for computer science PhD research students at Northeastern University are listed below;
  •  Cyber Scholarship Program
  •  Federal Cyber Service grant
  •  Double Husky Scholarship
  •  Full Circle Scholarship
  •  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Graduate Fellowship
  •  Merit Scholarships
  •  Outside Scholarships

PhD Admission Procedure for Computer Science -Northeastern University

 An application for PhD admission at Northeastern University must attach all required application materials as stated below;
  •  Completed application form
  •  Application Fee
  •  Three letters of Recommendation
  •  GRE Scores are generally recommended but not necessary
  •  Personal Statement
  •  A scanned version of all unofficial transcripts
  •  Proof of English Proficiency
  •  Resume