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PhD Computer Science in Université de Montpellier - France

Université de Montpellier - France

About Université de Montpellier

  The Université de Montpellier is one of the oldest universities in France, located in the city of Montpellier, in the south of France. Université de Montpellier is well-known for its research excellence, especially in health, biodiversity, and the environment.
  The Université de Montpellier comprises several faculties, such as the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Economics, and the Faculty of Science. Université de Montpellier is a core research center in France focusing on health, biodiversity, and the environment.
  Université de Montpellier-s research institutes and centers are the hub for top-class scientists to make significant contributions to their fields, and the university is dedicated to enhancing trans-disciplinary collaboration and creativity in research.
  Université de Montpellier meets modern society-s requirements in the 21st century with its research organization collaborations and cutting-edge technology platforms to conduct vibrant research.

Address & Website of Université de Montpellier

Address:  163 rue Auguste Broussonnet - 34090 Montpellier

Phone:   04 .



University Type:  Public University

Computer Science Courses Offered by Université de Montpellier

 •  B.U.T computer science
Vocational bachelor
 •  Computer science careers: web applications development: it project assistant; e-business application development (APIDAE)
 •  Computer science careers: information systems and data management: business software and integrated management systems (PSGI)
 •  MSc in Algorithmics
 •  MSc in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
 •  MSc Imagine (image and video games)
 •  Pathfinder in Computer Science Programme
 •  MSc in Software Engineering
 •  Computer Science
 •  Information Structures Systems

Computer Science Research Areas - Université de Montpellier


The computer science research at Université de Montpellier in France focuses on a wide array of topics includes
 •  Robotics
 •  Web application
 •  Gaming
 •  Database
 •  Artificial Intelligence
 •  Data Science
 •  Network and security

Research Topics in Computer Science Research - Université de Montpellier

 •  Human-robot interaction for collaborative manufacturing
 •  Multi-robot systems for environmental monitoring
 •  Robot navigation and control in complex environments
 •  Computer vision and perception for robotics

Web application:
 •  Web accessibility for people with disabilities
 •  Web personalization and recommendation systems
 •  Web security and privacy

 •  Game design and development for educational purposes
 •  Artificial intelligence and machine learning in game development
 •  Virtual and augmented reality in gaming

 •  Data management for large-scale distributed systems
 •  Data privacy and security in databases
 •  Graph databases and data modeling for complex data structures
 •  Data visualization and exploration techniques for databases

Artificial Intelligence:
 •  Explainable AI and human-AI interaction
 •  Knowledge representation and reasoning in AI systems
 •  Cognitive computing and natural language processing
 •  AI ethics, fairness, and accountability

Data Science:
 •  Data mining and machine learning for predictive analytics
 •  Network analysis and social media mining
 •  Statistical modeling and simulation techniques for data analysis

Network and Security:
 •  Software-defined networking and network virtualization
 •  Blockchain technology for secure and transparent data exchange
 •  Cybersecurity risk assessment and management

Computer Science Research Labs with Specialization - Université de Montpellier

 •  Institute of Electronics and Systems
 •  Alexander Grothendieck Montpellier Institute
 •  Institute of Data Science
 •  Charles Coulomb Laboratory
 •  Laboratory of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Clinical Research
 •  Computer Engineering and Production Engineering Laboratory
 •  Montpellier Laboratory of Informatics, Robotics, and Microelectronics
 •  Montpellier Universe and Particle Laboratory

Scholarship Programs and Funded Projects for Computer Science - Université de Montpellier

 •  Eiffel Scholarship program of excellence
 •  AUF Grant
 •  Jean Monnet grant
 •  Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action
 •  Agropolis Foundation
 •  Montpellier University Excellence Scholarships
 •  French Government Scholarships
 •  Languedoc-Roussillon Scholarships

Funded Projects in Computer Science at Université de Montpellier - France

 •  Programming the Finite State Machine of the Human Brain
 •  Emotion recognition using brain and physiological signals for immersion and telepresence
 •  Probabilistic inference for large-scale networks and graph data
 •  Statistical model checking

PhD Admission Procedure for Computer Science -Université de Montpellier

The admission requirements for a Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Université de Montpellier in France include the following:
 •  Applicants must hold a Master-s degree or equivalent in Computer Science or a relevant field from an authorized university
 •  Proficiency in the French language is required. Applicants must provide proof of proficiency through a language test, such as the Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF)
 •  Applicants must provide a research proposal detailing their proposed area of research, research question(s), and methodology.
 •  Applicants are typically required to submit at least two letters of recommendation from academic referees
 •  Applicants are required to provide a detailed curriculum vitae (CV) outlining their academic achievements, work experience, and research experience
 •  Applicants are required to submit official transcripts of their academic records from all universities studied
 •  Shortlisted applicants may be required to attend an interview with the selection committee