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How to Create VM Templates in OpenNebula?

  • VM template is used to instantiate a new virtual machine to perform the execution. The creation of VM template involves the assignment of specifications for the corresponding VM, in which specification parameters such as VM RAM, VM Storage, VM Network and VM input types.
Step 1: Start OpenNebula

i) Login as the oneadmin user in Terminal.

Type the following command.
<one start>

Create VM Templates in OpenNebula

(ii) Start the OpenNebula SunStone.

Type the following command.

<service opennebula-sunstone start>

Start the OpenNebula SunStone

Step 2: Login OpenNebula Sunstone

Go to https://localhost:9869 .

Login into OpenNebula Sunstone.

Login OpenNebula Sunstone


Password-xxxxxxxxx and click on “Login” button.

OpenNebula Dashboard screen will be displayed.


Step 3: Virtual Network Creation
  • In OpenNebula Dashboard, click the “VirtualNetworks” under the “Network” Tab which is appeared in the Left side menu.
  • Click the “+” button to add a new virtual network.
Virtual Network Creation
  • Set the Network parameters as per the following specifications:

    “General” TabName = "Network Name"

Set the Network parameters

“Conf” Tab.

Bridge=”Your Bridge Name”.

Network Mode=”Bridged”.

Set parameters

“Addresses” Tab.

Select “IPv4”.

First IP address=”Mention the IP address”

Size=”your required IP address binding in network”.

Select IPv4
  • Now Virtual Network is created in OpenNebula.

Step 4: Template Creation
  • Step 4: Template Creation
In OpenNebula Dashboard, click the “VM” under the “Templates” Tab which is appeared in the Left side menu.
Virtual Network is created in OpenNebula
  • Click on the “+” button to create a new template.
Template Creation
  • Template Creation :
  • “General” Tab

    Name = "Template name"
    Memory=”Your required RAM memory in GB”
    CPU=”Required CPU”
    VCPU=”Required VCPU”

create a new template
  • “Storage” Tab

    Select Disk 0
    Add the ISO image

    Select Disk 1
    Add the Empty Disk Image

  • “Network” Tab

    Select your required virtual network

“Network” Tab
  • “OS Booting” Tab

    CPU Architecture=”ISO image Type”

  • Boot order

    Tick the ISO image and move into first position
    Tick the Empty disk image and move into Second position

  • “Input/Output” Tab

    Select “VNC”.
    Listen on IP=””.
    Inputs Type=”Mouse” and “ps2”.

Input/Output Tab
  • “Context” Tab

    Tick the Add SSH contextualization
    Add the SSH Key in SSH public key box

  • Click “Create” button.
Context Tab
  • Now VM Templates is created in OpenNebula.
  • Any modification in VM Templates, Click the “update” button and change it.