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How to Perform Bi-Variate Analysis in Python?

Bivariate Analysis using Python

Condition for Bivariate Analysis Using Python

  • Description:
    Bivariate analysis refers to the statistical analysis of two variables to understand the relationship between them. This type of analysis is essential for identifying correlations, trends, and patterns that might not be immediately obvious when considering each variable independently. It can be performed using different types of data visualizations and statistical methods to explore the interaction between two variables.
  • In this guide, we will focus on methods to perform bivariate analysis on continuous and categorical data, using Python libraries like Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, and SciPy. This documentation includes step-by-step guidance, code examples, and the visualization techniques typically used in bivariate analysis.
Step by Step Process
  • Step 1: Data Collection
    Gather the dataset that contains the variables of interest.
  • Step 2: Data Preprocessing
    Clean the data by handling missing values, outliers, and ensuring the data types are appropriate.
  • Step 3: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
    Perform a preliminary analysis to understand the data distribution and key statistics.
  • Step 4: Correlation Analysis
    Compute the correlation coefficient (e.g., Pearson’s correlation) to measure the linear relationship between two continuous variables.
  • Step 5: Visualization
    Use appropriate plots to visualize the relationship between the variables (scatter plot, box plot, heatmap, etc.).
  • Step 6: Statistical Testing
    Perform hypothesis testing or statistical tests (e.g., t-test, chi-squared test) for more in-depth analysis.
  • Step 7: Interpretation
    Analyze the results, draw conclusions, and determine whether any further analysis or modeling is required.
Sample Code
  • # Importing required libraries
    import pandas as pd
    import seaborn as sns
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from scipy.stats import pearsonr

    # Creating a sample dataset
    data = {'Horsepower': [130, 165, 150, 140, 110, 155, 200, 145, 160, 180],
    'Fuel_Efficiency': [30, 24, 27, 28, 32, 23, 18, 26, 25, 22]}
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)

    # Display the dataset

    # Step 1: Compute Correlation Coefficient (Pearson)
    corr, _ = pearsonr(df['Horsepower'], df['Fuel_Efficiency'])
    print(f"Pearson Correlation Coefficient: {corr:.2f}")

    # Step 2: Visualizations
    # Scatter plot to visualize the relationship
    plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
    sns.scatterplot(data=df, x='Horsepower', y='Fuel_Efficiency')
    plt.title('Scatter Plot: Horsepower vs Fuel Efficiency')
    plt.ylabel('Fuel Efficiency (MPG)')

    # Adding a new column for Horsepower Ranges
    df['Horsepower_Range'] = pd.cut(df['Horsepower'], bins=[100, 130, 160, 200], labels=['Low', 'Medium', 'High'])

    # Box plot to visualize fuel efficiency distribution based on horsepower ranges
    plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
    sns.boxplot(x='Horsepower_Range', y='Fuel_Efficiency', data=df)
    plt.title('Box Plot: Fuel Efficiency by Horsepower Range')

    # Heatmap of correlations
    correlation_matrix = df[['Horsepower', 'Fuel_Efficiency']].corr()
    sns.heatmap(correlation_matrix, annot=True, cmap='coolwarm')
    plt.title('Correlation Heatmap')
  • Bivariate Analysis Graphs