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Group signatures for secure and privacy preserving vehicular ad hoc networks

Group signatures for secure and privacy preserving vehicular ad hoc networks

Hot Research Book in Group signatures for secure and privacy preserving vehicular ad hoc networks

Author(s) Name:  Lukas Malina, Jan Hajný, Vaclav Zeman

About the Book:

   The security of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) plays a key role in protecting against bogus and malicious messages, misusing at roads, eavesdropping etc. Nowadays, common cryptographic solutions guarantee message integrity, authentication, non-repudiation and privacy which is required as a serious requirement in VANETs due to the possibility of tracking of drivers by malicious observers. The related and prior works ensure security and privacy. Nevertheless, the efficiency of these schemes is usually low or there is the possibility of denial of services attacks.
   The main goal of our paper is to provide initial design of a scheme which ensures privacy, security and efficiency. The proposed scheme can also protect against several Denial of Services Attacks. We compare our proposed solution with related solutions and outline the evaluation of our scheme.

Table of Contents

  • Optimization issues in wireless networks
  • QoS in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks
  • Security in wireless networks I
  • Security in wireless networks II
  • Poster session
  • ISBN:  9781450316194

    Publisher:  ACM New York

    Year of Publication:  2012

    Book Link:  Home Page Url