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Leveraging Communicating UAVs for Emergency Vehicle Guidance in Urban Areas - 2019

Leveraging Communicating UAVs for Emergency Vehicle Guidance in Urban Areas

Research Area:  Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks


The response time to emergency situations in urban areas is considered as a crucial key in limiting material damage or even saving human lives. Thanks to their “birds eye view” and their flexible mobility, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can be a promising candidate for several vital applications. Under these perspectives, we investigate the use of communicating UAVs to detect any incident on the road, provide rescue teams with their exact locations, and plot the fastest path to intervene, while considering the constraints of the roads. To efficiently inform the rescue services, a robust routing scheme is introduced to ensure a high level of communication stability based on an efficient backbone, while considering both the high mobility and the restricted energy capacity of UAVs. This allows both predicting any routing path breakage prior to its occurrence, and carrying out a balanced energy consumption among UAVs. To ensure a rapid intervention by rescue teams, UAVs communicate in an ad hoc fashion with existing vehicles on the ground to estimate the fluidity of the roads. Our system is implemented and evaluated through a series of experiments. The reported results show that each part of the system reliably succeeds in achieving its planned objective.


Author(s) Name:  Omar Sami Oubbati; Abderrahmane Lakas; Pascal Lorenz; Mohammed Atiquzzaman; Abbas Jamalipour

Journal name:   IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  IEEE

DOI:  10.1109/TETC.2019.2930124

Volume Information:  ( Volume: 9, Issue: 2, April-June 1 2021) Page(s): 1070 - 1082