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SDN-based VANETs, Security Attacks, Applications, and Challenges - 2020

SDN-based VANETs, Security Attacks, Applications, and Challenges

Research Area:  Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks


Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) are the specific sort of ad-hoc networks that are utilized in intelligent transportation systems (ITS). VANETs have become one of the most reassuring, promising, and quickest developing subsets of the mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs). They include smart vehicles, roadside units (RSUs), and on-board units (OBUs) which correspond through inconsistent wireless network. The current research in the vehicles industry and media transmission innovations alongside the remarkable multimodal portability administrations expedited center-wise ITS, of which VANETs increase considerably more attention. The particular characteristics of the software defined networks (SDNs) use the vehicular systems by its condition of the centralized art having a complete understanding of the network. Security is an important issue in the SDN-based VANETs, as a result of the effect the threats and vulnerabilities can have on driver’s conduct and personal satisfaction. This paper opens a discourse on the security attacks that future SDN-based VANETs should confront and examines how SDNs could be advantageous in building new countermeasures. SDN-based VANETs encourage us to dispose of the confinement and difficulties that are available in the traditional VANETs. It helps us to diminish the general burden on the system by dealing with the general system through a single wireless controller. While SDN-based VANETs provide us some benefits in terms of applications and services, they also have some important challenges which need to be solved. In this study we discuss and elaborate the challenges, along with the applications, and the future directions of SDN-based VANETs. At the end we provide the conclusion of the whole study


Author(s) Name:  Muhammad Arif, Guojun Wang, Oana Geman , Valentina Emilia Balas, Peng Tao, Adrian Brezulianu and Jianer Chen

Journal name:   Applied Sciences

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  MDPI

DOI:  10.3390/app10093217

Volume Information:  Volume 10 Issue 9