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Survey on Artificial Intelligence techniques for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks - 2021

Survey on Artificial Intelligence techniques for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks

Research Area:  Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks


Advances in communications, smart transportation systems, and computer systems have recently opened up vast possibilities of intelligent solutions for traffic safety, convenience, and effectiveness. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is currently being used in various application domains because of its strong potential to help enhance conventional data-driven methods. In the area of Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs) data is frequently collected from various sources. This data is used for various purposes which include routing, broadening the awareness of the driver, predicting mobility to avoid hazardous situations, thereby improving passenger comfort, safety, and quality of road experience. We present a comprehensive review of AI techniques that are currently being explored by various research efforts in the area of VANETs. We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these proposed AI-based proposed approaches for the VANET environment. Finally, we identify future VANET research opportunities that can leverage the full potential of AI.


Author(s) Name:  Abir Mchergui, Tarek Moulahi, Sherali Zeadally

Journal name:  Vehicular Communications

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  ELSEVIER

DOI:  10.1016/j.vehcom.2021.100403

Volume Information:  Volume 34, April 2022, 100403