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Survey on Routing Protocols for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Based on Multimetrics - 2019

Survey on Routing Protocols for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Based on Multimetrics

Research Area:  Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks


In the last few years, many routing protocols have been proposed for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) because of their specific characteristics. Protocols that use several metrics have been shown to be the most adequate to VANETs due to their effectiveness in dealing with dynamic environment changes due to vehicle mobility. Metrics such as distance, density, link stability, speed, and position were selected by the authors for the best proposal. Several surveys of routing proposals have been generated to categorize contributions and their application scenarios, but none of them focused on multimetric approaches. In this paper, we present a review of the routing protocols based on more than one metric to select the best route in a VANET. The main objective of this research was to present the contemporary most frequently used metrics in the different proposals and their application scenarios. This review helps in the selection protocols or the creation of metrics when a new protocol is designed.This survey of multimetric VANET routing protocols employed systematic literature-review (SLR) methodology in four well-knownown databases that allowed to analyze current state-of-the-art proposals. In addition, this paper provides a description of these multimetric routing protocols. Our findings indicate that distance and speed are the most popular and versatile metrics. Finally, we define some possible directions for future research related to the use of this class of protocols.


Author(s) Name:  Carolina Tripp-Barba, Aníbal Zaldívar-Colado, Luis Urquiza-Aguiar and José Alfonso Aguilar-Calderón

Journal name:   Electronics

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  MDPI

DOI:  10.3390/electronics8101177

Volume Information:  2019, 8(10), 1177