Research Area:  Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
A Vehicular Ad hoc NETwork (VANET) is a self-organized network formed by connected vehicles, which allows the exchange of useful traffic information in a timely manner. In such a context, evaluating the reliability of transmissions is vital. Trust can be used to promote such healthy collaboration. In fact, trust enables collaborating vehicles to counter uncertainty and suspicion by establishing trustworthy relationships. The main contribution of this paper is the proposition of a trust-based security scheme for message exchange in a VANET called TSME. Because of VANET characteristics, including dynamicity and high speed, we first proposed a VANET Grouping Algorithm (VGA); a suitable clustering algorithm organizing the network into groups with elected Group-Heads. Second, built on the VGA, we defined our trust management scheme dealing with vehicles reputations. Finally, we proposed a formal specification of the scheme using an inference system, and conducted a formal validation to assess its completeness and soundness rather than conducting simulations where some potentially rare conflicting or malfunctioning situations might not be detected. Soundness was proven by showing that there were no conflicts in our scheme, and completeness was established by assessing that all potential situations could be handled. The results obtained showed that our scheme for evaluating the veracity of exchanged messages is formally sound and complete.
Author(s) Name:  Ryma Abassi, Aida Ben Chehida Douss & Damien Sauveron
Journal name:  Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences
Conferrence name:  
Publisher name:  Springer
DOI:  10.1186/s13673-020-00248-4
Volume Information:  volume 10, Article number: 43 (2020)
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