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Vehicular ad hoc Networks in Intelligent Transportation Systems: Improving VANET Protocols to Support Safety Applications in Realistic Scenarios

Vehicular ad hoc Networks in Intelligent Transportation Systems: Improving VANET Protocols to Support Safety Applications in Realistic Scenarios

Good Research Book in Vehicular ad hoc Networks in Intelligent Transportation Systems: Improving VANET Protocols to Support Safety Applications in Realistic Scenarios

Author(s) Name:  By Francisco J. Martinez

About the Book:

   This book focuses on safety applications. Specifically, the author has developed and evaluated a novel protocol to improve safety on the road. The proposal combines location information of vehicles, and roadmap scenario characteristics, to improve warning message dissemination.
    In safety- based applications for vehicular networks author-s approaches is able to reduce the broadcast storm problem while maintaining a high message dissemination effectiveness towards surrounding vehicles. Finally, author assesses the performance of the proposed protocol using the enhanced simulation platform, evidencing the importance of an adequate simulation framework to achieve more realistic results and draw more meaningful conclusions.

Table of Contents

  • Vehicles
  • Aircraft
  • Ships
  • space
  • travel
  • ISBN:  9783844307108

    Publisher:  LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

    Year of Publication:  2011

    Book Link:  Home Page Url