Research Area:  Blockchain Technology
Aiming at the problems of the existing DPoS(Delegated Proof of Stake) consensus algorithm, such as low enthusiasm of voting nodes and difficulties in dealing with malicious nodes, we improve the traditional DPoS consensus algorithm and propose a reputation-based delegated proof of stake consensus algorithm, called Reputation-DPoS. In our Reputation-DPoS, the reputation model is introduced. By evaluating the behavior of nodes, nodes are divided into different trusted states, and high-quality nodes in the network are selected as consensus nodes to reduce security risks and improve efficiency. Besides, incentive methods of reputation and token are used to improve the enthusiasm of nodes to participate in voting. Simulation results show that our Reputation-DPoS can reduce the probability of malicious nodes being selected and optimize the state of nodes in DPoS. Nodes with good behavior will get more votes and rewards, which will motivate nodes and improve the security of the system. Insert here your abstract text.
Author(s) Name:  Qian Hu, Biwei Yan, Yubing Han, Jiguo Yu
Journal name:  Procedia Computer Science
Conferrence name:  
Publisher name:  Elsevier
DOI:  10.1016/j.procs.2021.04.109
Volume Information:  Volume 187, 2021, Pages 341-346
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