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Blockchain in the operations and supply chain management: Benefits, challenges and future research opportunities - 2020

Blockchain In The Operations And Supply Chain Management: Benefits, Challenges And Future Research Opportunities

Research Area:  Blockchain Technology


Blockchain technologies have captured the imagination of scholars, managers, and practitioners around the world. It is widely accepted by these actors that blockchain is not a buzzword, but a highly disruptive technology that is already remodeling the organizations and their supply chain business models. Despite the meaningful advance in the last years, blockchain applications regarding the operations and supply chain management (OSCM) are still in their infancy. Little is known about the role of blockchain in terms of operations traceability, as well in areas such as e-commerce, agriculture, public services, etc. Therefore, this Special Issue seeks to extend our understanding of blockchain applications in OSCM and how firms create and capture business value with blockchain. To this effect, this Special Issue will provide a well-articulated and in-depth discussion of the role of blockchain in creating value in the domain of OSCM. Specifically, it is expected that more light is shed on how blockchain integrates with and impacts new business models, transforms relationships, and improves performance and competitive advantage in OSCM. Also, the evolution of blockchain was reviewed in order to provide a strong background to the readers. The literature review was performed taking into account a bibliometric perspective of blockchain-related publications. The review supports the importance of this Special Issue by highlighting the urgent needs of this topic in this reputable journal. Finally, we provide future research directions and a guide for the papers presented in this Special Issue.


Author(s) Name:  Samuel Fosso Wamba, Maciel M. Queiroz

Journal name:  International Journal of Information Management

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Elsevier

DOI:  10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2019.102064

Volume Information:  Volume 52, June 2020, 102064