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Research Topics on Mixing-based Blockchain Privacy and Security

Mixing-based Blockchain Privacy and Security

PhD Research and Thesis Topics in Mixing-based Blockchain Privacy and Security

  The primary objective of mixing-based blockchain security solutions is to confuse the relationship of user transactions stored in distributed publicly available ledgers. The bitcoin blockchain does not guarantee the anonymity of users. It utilizes the address of pseudonymous to verify the transactions publicly. Hence, the malicious or dishonest user can infer the addresses of bitcoin transactions by relating pseudonym-based user transactions. It causes serious impacts in scenarios linking the transactions with the user-s real identity. The malicious nodes can obtain the entire transaction history of victims in such scenarios, and causes serious security issues. The mixing-based security services known as tumblers try to prevent the user pseudonym addresses from being linked. It instructs the users to exchange the coins randomly and prevents the dishonest user from getting pseudonyms by refusing the addresses. However, the mixing-based security models attain better results in the coin theft attackers environment. The mixcoin and coinjoin are the two types of mixing-based security solutions.