Research Area:  Blockchain Technology
One fundamental limitation of blockchain-based smart contracts is that they execute in a closed environment. Thus, they only have access to data and functionality that is already on the blockchain, or is fed into the blockchain. Any interactions with the real world need to be mediated by a bridge service, which is called an oracle. As decentralized applications mature, oracles are playing an increasingly prominent role. With their evolution comes more attacks, necessitating greater attention to their trust model. In this systemization of knowledge paper (SoK), we dissect the design alternatives for oracles, showcase attacks, and discuss attack mitigation strategies.
Author(s) Name:  Shayan Eskandari , Mehdi Salehi , Wanyun Catherine Gu , Jeremy Clark
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Conferrence name:  AFT -21: Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies
Publisher name:  ACM
DOI:  10.1145/3479722.3480994
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