Research Area:  Internet of Things
Nowadays, the development of information technology can be described as extremely rapid, especially with the widespread use of the Internet; the security of communications in the network has become an important issue we are facing. The purpose of this article is to solve the problems in todays network security data encryption algorithms. Starting from the computer network communication security data encryption algorithm, we discuss the effects of several different encryption methods on improving network security. The research results show that it is known that the application of link encryption algorithm in network communication security encryption algorithm can increase the security index by 25%, the node encryption algorithm can increase the security index by 35%, and the end-to-end encryption algorithm can make the cyber activity safety index to increase by 40%. Among them, RSA algorithm and DES algorithm are two very representative algorithms; they represent different encryption systems. From the perspective of network data link, there are three methods of encryption algorithm, namely, link encryption algorithm, node encryption algorithm, and end-to-end encryption algorithm.
Author(s) Name:  Yifeng He,Nan Ye, and Rui Zhang
Journal name:  Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Conferrence name:  
Publisher name:  Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
DOI:  10.1155/2021/2295130
Volume Information:  Volume 2021
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