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Big Data Classification and Internet of Things in Healthcare - 2020

Big Data Classification And Internet Of Things In Healthcare

Research Area:  Internet of Things


Every single day, a massive amount of data is generated by different medical data sources. Processing this wealth of data is indeed a daunting task, and it forces us to adopt smart and scalable computational strategies, including machine intelligence, big data analytics, and data classification. The authors can use the Big Data analysis for effective decision making in healthcare domain using the existing machine learning algorithms with some modification to it. The fundamental purpose of this article is to summarize the role of Big Data analysis in healthcare, and to provide a comprehensive analysis of the various techniques involved in mining big data. This article provides an overview of Big Data, applicability of it in healthcare, some of the work in progress and a future works. Therefore, in this article, the use of machine learning techniques is proposed for real-time diabetic patient data analysis from IoT devices and gateways.


Author(s) Name:  Amine Rghioui, Jaime Llore and Abedlmajid Oumnad

Journal name:  International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (IJEHMC)

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  IGI-Global

DOI:  10.4018/IJEHMC.2020040102

Volume Information:  Volume 11, Issue (2)