The roadmap is created in VANET using the MOVE and SUMO tool. In MOVE, the road map will generated that requires the inputs of two types of information, nodes and edges. A ”node” is one particular point on the map which can be either a junction or the dead end of the roads. This is simply creating all the map nodes. The edge is the road that connects two points (nodes) on a map. The attributes associated with an edge include speed limit, number of lanes, the road priority and the road length. Next, the movements of the vehicle will generated by using the groups of flows and turning ratio for each junction. The attributes associated with an flows and turn include the number of vehicles in a particular route, vehicle departure time, origin and destination of the vehicle, duration of the trip, vehicle speed, etc. After finished the configuration for movements of all vehicle and visualize that actual movements on vehicle using SUMO simulator.
Data Flow