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A bio-inspired clustering scheme in wireless sensor networks: BeeWSN - 2018

A bio-inspired clustering scheme in wireless sensor networks: BeeWSN

Research Paper on A bio-inspired clustering scheme in wireless sensor networks: BeeWSN

Research Area:  Wireless Sensor Networks


Wireless sensor networks can be used for a range of application starting from underwater to internet of things. It is the interconnection of wireless nodes called sensors deployed for a specific purpose. The nodes may be static or mobile in nature. The flat network structure may saturate the network when the number of nodes is very high. The clustering structure may solve the issue when clusters are formed at low cost. Several parameters need consideration during cluster formation and cluster head selection. These parameters are: nodes energy, mobility, mobility direction, nodes degree, etc. In this article, honey bee algorithm is used to select a cluster headset from existing nodes in the network and form clusters based on cluster heads. The problem is first formulated to the dynamic optimization problem and honey bee algorithm is applied in order to select the most suitable cluster heads in the network. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme outperforms existing algorithms.

Cluster based routing
Network Optimization

Author(s) Name:  Masood Ahmad, Ataul Aziz Ikram, Ishtiaq Wahid, Muhammad Inam, Nighat Ayub, Sajad Ali

Journal name:  Procedia Computer Science

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Elsevier

DOI:  10.1016/j.procs.2018.04.031

Volume Information:  Volume 130, 2018, Pages 206-213